Emperor Norton's Boozeland

Joshua Abraham Norton made history in 1859 (or at least a footnote therein) when he declared himself Norton I, Emperor of The United States and Protector of Mexico. In addition to the many would-be successors who've adopted his title down through the years, his reign is remembered in the traditional fashion that glory is bestowed upon political figures, by naming a local spot in his honor, not in this case, a street, park, or civic building, but a bar called Emperor Norton's Boozeland, open daily from 12 PM to 2 AM.
A regal portrait of the bar's namesake is the subject of a mural painted by artist Andrei Bouzikov and sponsored by Pabst Blue Ribbon that occupies the enclosed patio at the rear of the building at 510 Larkin Street, formerly the site of the Deco Lounge. Located just off Turk Street in the Tenderloin district, the bar endeavors to be "a royal playground for derelict citizens," an apt goal given the setting. Eschewing froufrou cocktail menus or any type of advanced mixology, the business caters to the career drinker, proffering beer, both bottled and on tap, and classic simple mixed drinks, the kind that can be served fast and furiously. The place also boasts San Francisco's longest Happy Hour, which occurs weekdays from noon to 7 PM.
Emperor Norton's Boozeland accepts cash only, and not the home-made kind that Norton I used to tender as payment at bars and restaurants around town back in the day. For a delightful tete-a-tete with the staff or management, call 415-926-8118 or email emperornortons@boozeland.com. Explorer J. Eric Miller crash-landed on the alien world of San Francisco in the last millennium. Trapped in a world he never imagined, he seeks escape in his experience of living. Read more about it at: theupsanddownsofsanfrancisco.tumblr.com